Step-by-step process to assess investees.
step 01
Discovery of investees
- Top-Down Approach
- Bottom-Up Approach
step 02
Preliminary Deliberation
- IR
- Investment feasibility review
- Preliminary due diligence on working level
step 03
Preliminary Investment Deliberation Committee
- Decision-making, e.g., due diligence, etc.
- Compliance check, interest conflict review,
due diligence
- Instructions for supplementation
step 04
Due Diligence
- Financial/legal/accounting due diligence
- Final deliberation and report
step 05
Investment Deliberation Committee
- Investment decisions and follow-up management process
- Final deliberation and report
step 06
Follow-up Management
- Financial, legal, and accounting system improvement and additional funds, etc.
step 07
Recollection Deliberation Committee
- Decision of time, method, and target price of recollection
- Major recollection method
- IPO, Market Sale/Block Sale, SPAC merger, M&A, etc.